40 games, 49 posts in 39 topics
Recents games ...
Since | Scenario | Won by |
2 years ago | ![]() |
Wakoo with 326 points |
2 years ago | ![]() |
Wakoo with 268 points |
2 years ago | ![]() |
Wakoo with 455 points |
2 years ago | ![]() |
Wakoo with 323 points |
2 years ago | ![]() |
Wakoo with 208 points |
2 years ago | ![]() |
Ed le fou with 56 points |
2 years ago | ![]() |
Wakoo with 53 points |
13 years ago | ![]() |
Wakoo with 400 points |
13 years ago | ![]() |
Wakoo with 100 points |
14 years ago | ![]() |
Wakoo with 91 points |
Recents posts ...
11/29, 2011 12:22AM
49 posts
Posted in Server Rules, Scenario details -
Different starting date would imply some really difficult choice to balance the games. Basically the later you start, the easier the game is. That's why we made 2 different mode for steam and high speed, and the high speed *should* have tougher rules.
02/24, 2011 12:00PM
49 posts
Posted in General Discussion - Re:Anti-pax tactic
You shouldn't consider the mod of someone that leave to not lose rating.
01/07, 2011 09:50AM
49 posts
Posted in Server Rules, Scenario details - Re:ShagNBud
If he enjoys it, the station are counted only if they are used.
01/06, 2011 12:51PM
49 posts
Posted in General Discussion - Re:server down
Should be up again, just a regular crash of the game...
01/04, 2011 01:39PM
49 posts
Posted in Bug reports, new ideas - FAQ
Here are some common question about the server:
[b]Is it normal if the server is password protected ?[/b]
It's a safety measure to avoid some of the annoying bug of the old version, until the bot successfully join and monitor the game, the game is password protected, just wait for 2-5s, and retry to join, it should no longer be password protected.
[b]Why are the aircraft fine ?[/b]
-The noise system is enabled, it means you have to build your airport far from your city. (Unless you build a small airport at the city range BUT that will increase (very importantly) the chances the aircraft will crash on landing if he is too large for the airport)
-The crash are enabled(see point above)
-Their running speed are divided by 4 on the server, means 4km/h of an aircraft = 1km/h of any other transport.
-Their running cost is multiplied by 4, making them a lot more expensive to use.
-Any spot flat enough to support an airport are rare.
-The exploit that could be use with the CV no longer exist since the objective is based on CP.
-We tested it, and it's balanced in a way that require some skill to chose to get aircraft or not, it can just be a sunk of money if not used properly.
[b]Ok then, what is the correct size for an airport according to the aircraft size ?[/b]
The 951km/h max speed aircraft are large, and the 474km/h one are small.
[b]Is it normal if the server is password protected ?[/b]
It's a safety measure to avoid some of the annoying bug of the old version, until the bot successfully join and monitor the game, the game is password protected, just wait for 2-5s, and retry to join, it should no longer be password protected.
[b]Why are the aircraft fine ?[/b]
-The noise system is enabled, it means you have to build your airport far from your city. (Unless you build a small airport at the city range BUT that will increase (very importantly) the chances the aircraft will crash on landing if he is too large for the airport)
-The crash are enabled(see point above)
-Their running speed are divided by 4 on the server, means 4km/h of an aircraft = 1km/h of any other transport.
-Their running cost is multiplied by 4, making them a lot more expensive to use.
-Any spot flat enough to support an airport are rare.
-The exploit that could be use with the CV no longer exist since the objective is based on CP.
-We tested it, and it's balanced in a way that require some skill to chose to get aircraft or not, it can just be a sunk of money if not used properly.
[b]Ok then, what is the correct size for an airport according to the aircraft size ?[/b]
The 951km/h max speed aircraft are large, and the 474km/h one are small.
01/04, 2011 01:14PM
49 posts
Posted in Home Page - Happy new year & Server changes n°2
There are a lot of stuff for these new eve update ! Their goal is to address the current issues of the server as well as increase the challenge to get a win on the server !
First of all the rules of the server have been updated on the forum(see "Server Rules, Scenario details" section) and in game.
The next-next-turn(and so the exploit of the 25% instantly unloaded) is now forbidden.
The catchment size exploit (one station that cover the whole city via unused bus stop for example) is forbidden as well, the change n°1 reduced he cost of the bus/truck, you have to use transfer instead of the single station that cover the whole city/all the industries ! (And it increase the money earned since you increase the distance from where your passengers/goods come from) It's now also forbidden to buy stop-station on a city owned road. Since we addressed both of the issues, the server now allow to buy 2 station next to each other without destroying the first one(as long as they got the same length).
The server no longer track company value, but company performance instead, the !cp command has been introduced, !cv still work for more convenience but link to the !cp result.([url=http://www.strategy-board.net/forum/posts/list/156.page]see forum for detailed formula[/url])
And finally the catchment size of the station has changed, increased for dock, and reduced for bus/truck stations.
The victory condition value for each environment are currently on testing, it's 400 point for all the environment, except high speed which is 450.
Happy new year !
First of all the rules of the server have been updated on the forum(see "Server Rules, Scenario details" section) and in game.
The next-next-turn(and so the exploit of the 25% instantly unloaded) is now forbidden.
The catchment size exploit (one station that cover the whole city via unused bus stop for example) is forbidden as well, the change n°1 reduced he cost of the bus/truck, you have to use transfer instead of the single station that cover the whole city/all the industries ! (And it increase the money earned since you increase the distance from where your passengers/goods come from) It's now also forbidden to buy stop-station on a city owned road. Since we addressed both of the issues, the server now allow to buy 2 station next to each other without destroying the first one(as long as they got the same length).
The server no longer track company value, but company performance instead, the !cp command has been introduced, !cv still work for more convenience but link to the !cp result.([url=http://www.strategy-board.net/forum/posts/list/156.page]see forum for detailed formula[/url])
And finally the catchment size of the station has changed, increased for dock, and reduced for bus/truck stations.
The victory condition value for each environment are currently on testing, it's 400 point for all the environment, except high speed which is 450.
Happy new year !
01/04, 2011 12:21PM
49 posts
Posted in Server Rules, Scenario details - CP formula
[size=18]Here is the detail on how the company performance formula work:[/size]
[b]Vehicles[/b] [color=orange]100 points[/color]:
120 vehicles in operation, this objective requires you to diversify the services you build. Hint: As far as TTD is concerned, one road vehicle is equivalent to one train, even if one is much, much cheaper to build. very easy to get with road vehicle.
[b]Stations[/b] [color=orange]100 points[/color]:
80 station parts Here, a "part" refers to each bus stop, airport, platform, etc., even if several are combined into one station.
[b]Min. Profit[/b] [color=orange]100 points[/color]:
20,000 EUR minimum profit for all vehicles. Very hard to get with road vehicle, easy go get with train.
[b]Min. Income[/b] [color=orange]50 points[/color]:
100,000 EUR minimum operating profit for all of the last 12 months.
[b]Max. Income[/b] [color=orange]100 points[/color]:
200,000 EUR minimum operating profit for at least one quarter out of the last 12 months.
[b]Delivered[/b] [color=orange]400 points[/color]:
40,000 units of cargo delivered during the span of the last four quarters. This objective is worth 40% of your total rating, so it's important to meet this one if you want a high score. To increase your delivered cargo, you'll need more services, faster vehicles, and more efficient layouts. It would also be nice if several industries increased their production, but unfortunately you have little control over that.
[b]Cargo[/b] [color=orange]50 points[/color]:
8 different types of cargo delivered during the last quarter This is trickier to achieve than you might think. You have to transport, and successfully deliver, eight different cargo types during the past quarter.
[b]Money[/b] [color=orange]50 points[/color]:
20 million EUR cash on hand. Don't count on that.
[b]Loan[/b] [color=orange]50 points[/color]:
250,000 EUR maximum loan So, if you are borrowing £250,000 or more, you won't get any points for this. Otherwise, if you have a smaller loan, or don't have any debt, then you get all 50 points.
[size=9]Adapted for OpenTTD and the goal server from http://www.cheatbook.de/wfiles/transporttycoondeluxea.htm.[/size]
[b]Vehicles[/b] [color=orange]100 points[/color]:
120 vehicles in operation, this objective requires you to diversify the services you build. Hint: As far as TTD is concerned, one road vehicle is equivalent to one train, even if one is much, much cheaper to build. very easy to get with road vehicle.
[b]Stations[/b] [color=orange]100 points[/color]:
80 station parts Here, a "part" refers to each bus stop, airport, platform, etc., even if several are combined into one station.
[b]Min. Profit[/b] [color=orange]100 points[/color]:
20,000 EUR minimum profit for all vehicles. Very hard to get with road vehicle, easy go get with train.
[b]Min. Income[/b] [color=orange]50 points[/color]:
100,000 EUR minimum operating profit for all of the last 12 months.
[b]Max. Income[/b] [color=orange]100 points[/color]:
200,000 EUR minimum operating profit for at least one quarter out of the last 12 months.
[b]Delivered[/b] [color=orange]400 points[/color]:
40,000 units of cargo delivered during the span of the last four quarters. This objective is worth 40% of your total rating, so it's important to meet this one if you want a high score. To increase your delivered cargo, you'll need more services, faster vehicles, and more efficient layouts. It would also be nice if several industries increased their production, but unfortunately you have little control over that.
[b]Cargo[/b] [color=orange]50 points[/color]:
8 different types of cargo delivered during the last quarter This is trickier to achieve than you might think. You have to transport, and successfully deliver, eight different cargo types during the past quarter.
[b]Money[/b] [color=orange]50 points[/color]:
20 million EUR cash on hand. Don't count on that.
[b]Loan[/b] [color=orange]50 points[/color]:
250,000 EUR maximum loan So, if you are borrowing £250,000 or more, you won't get any points for this. Otherwise, if you have a smaller loan, or don't have any debt, then you get all 50 points.
[size=9]Adapted for OpenTTD and the goal server from http://www.cheatbook.de/wfiles/transporttycoondeluxea.htm.[/size]
01/04, 2011 10:00AM
49 posts
Posted in Bug reports, new ideas - Re:Server problem
We are currently updating the server, so it was locked during the night for testing purpose, I will manually remove so you guys can play until we finish our update.
Thanks for your understanding.
Thanks for your understanding.
01/02, 2011 10:21AM
49 posts
Posted in Server Rules, Scenario details - Re:No maintenance here?
You can also increase the frequency the train will want to go to the depot in the detailed view of the train.
12/29, 2010 12:27PM
49 posts
Posted in Server Rules, Scenario details - Re:rules are not for everyone.
The problem hide a bigger issue, you will do whatever you can to exploit, we wrote "No one way train, no useless train engine(company value boost)", so you do a train with 1 or more truck/tanker/whatever and consider "duh we can't do (10) train 2 size long ?". That's the reason why we have to do radical changes (such as the terraforming). The thing with the truck is obviously an exploit too, but we can't write a rule for every single flaw openttd has, else we will end up with a list of 20+ points, which will be unreadable in game. You made the point ranking totally biased, so you can go on, there will be most likely a total rethinking of how the leaderboard/winning condition work. We can't fix and monitor something that's flawed to make a "fair" leaderboard.
Hope you get my point.
Have fun.
Hope you get my point.
Have fun.