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Recents games ...

Since Scenario Won by
13 years ago scenarioTrain High Speed acoma with 100 points
13 years ago scenarioTrain Desertic Maximillion with 100 points
13 years ago scenarioTrain Desertic Maximillion with 100 points
13 years ago scenarioTrain Desertic acoma with 75 points
13 years ago scenarioTrain Desertic acoma with 75 points
13 years ago scenarioTrain Artic acoma with 72 points
13 years ago scenarioTrain Steam Age BrianM with 100 points
13 years ago scenarioTrain Desertic emmett with 80 points
13 years ago scenarioTrain Desertic emmett with 80 points
13 years ago scenarioTrain Steam Age acoma with 90 points

Recents posts ...

04/10, 2010 09:35AM acoma 3 posts
Posted in Bug reports, new ideas - Re:Update to 1.0.0 i had the same problem this morning too while yesterday I had no problem starting new comp..
11/04, 2009 12:31AM acoma 3 posts
Posted in General Discussion - Re:becoming admin oki, understand that solving problems ex post also work...but not fot the people whose company had been ruined by some xxx :)
but no problem, your server :)
11/02, 2009 03:40PM acoma 3 posts
Posted in General Discussion - becoming admin hi
what i have to do to become an admin ?
got tired of ppl destroying game, not resepecting rules etc
used to be admin on Kurts server...
thx for reply