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11/04, 2009 07:51PM Anonymous 8 posts
Hallo there Ed & Wakoo ,

I want to propose some "new" features:
1. One-Way-Train-Check
Check, if the train that is sold was used as One-way-Train. maybe it can be achieved by checking the "train delivery history", if thats possible. Warn the player and disable the sell-Feature for this train on that depot
A way around that complex algorithm is to check if the trains life is between ... lets say 1month-12month... and disable the sell feature in between that time.
(By letting 1month be possible you can "undo" the buying of a train, if you have clicked wrong :)

2. CV-Calculation of Trains
As mentioned by Kitaro in his post, the misuse of buying trains to push the CV is annoying. I propose the changing of the CV-calculation algorithm. Lets think about something like:
When a train is bought the CV doesnt change, (maybe drops even because thecompany has less cash!). So the player has to think hard, when to buy a new one!

I hope everyone understands this, as i not a native speaker as well! :D
What do you think about this?

H.a.n.d. (have a nice day)
11/04, 2009 09:30PM Anonymous 8 posts
Your propose is wery interesting, but all of it depends on game mechanics... And i afraid, that this mechanics programed by Microprose (or who programed TTD), and cant be changed without reprograming the game code. So, thats why I see only rules/moderator control of this tricks.
And GoalBot can only drain statistic from the game (IMHO) to calculate victory conditions.
01/24, 2010 01:04PM rubinho 10 posts
I don't know if your observation is even true.

You might think that buying trains pushes cv. But Actually, the cash you have adds to your cv. When you buy a train worth, say, 100,000€ you have that amount less cash, but more cv in terms of vehicles value. But as the value of your vehicles decreases, because they grow older, that component of your cv decreases. Ususally, you don't see that because the train you bought starts making profit so your cv goes up, not down. So buying trains only increases the cv, if they make profit. At least, that's what I've observed. And that's the idea of the game.

Well I might be wrong. I have seen CVs go up quite drastically. And sometimes it's a mystery to me how that happens.
01/24, 2010 03:23PM Ed le fou 161 posts

Actually, i can confirm that the goalBot is a game client. There is no way to read others server game informations, like vehicule's current load or shipments history.

About the cv calculation, the only situation where the empty trains buying is a problem, is at the very end of the game.

Before these trains lost their values, you can cheat on your company value.

Have a nice day,

01/24, 2010 04:16PM Wakoo 49 posts
[quote=Ed le fou]you can cheat on your company value.[/quote]

You can, but if you get caught you will be punished :p