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Recents games ...

Since Scenario Won by
11 years ago scenarioTrain High Speed respi with 526 points
11 years ago scenarioTrain Desertic respi with 470 points
11 years ago scenarioTrain High Speed respi with 512 points
11 years ago scenarioTrain High Speed respi with 603 points
11 years ago scenarioTrain High Speed respi with 494 points
11 years ago scenarioTrain Desertic respi with 499 points
11 years ago scenarioTrain High Speed respi with 608 points
11 years ago scenarioTrain Artic respi with 631 points
11 years ago scenarioTrain High Speed respi with 384 points
11 years ago scenarioTrain High Speed respi with 488 points

Recents posts ...

12/26, 2011 02:05PM respi 1 post
Posted in General Discussion - Hi,
Always as I enter the game, server creates me a company, and than immediately throw me out and says next company can be estabilished in 90 days. Now I'm the only player in the game(there is no company) and the time doesn't go.
What should I do?