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04/01, 2010 08:22PM Bloodmaster 4 posts
hey, i played a game and used passengers when i found out that some one whas distroying most/all of the big buildings
Wrenningville had over 2.500 inhabitans and Brunfield also had over 2.500 inhabitans...
you can also see what it did to my income...

here is a screen you can see pink has a bad reputation and he is not even close to the towns so that my 1st guess that it whas him
open ttd building distroying.JPG: yes it, 54 downloads.
04/02, 2010 01:32PM alevezzo86 3 posts
yes, my situation was tha same of bloodmaster...
04/02, 2010 04:06PM UA TRANS 27 posts
Hi everybody!

I saw the same situation twice during the 5 monthes of playing OTTD at
And I do not know how to stop it...

May by banning to destroy more than 1 house per year by one player...
Because sometimes we need to destroy building to build siutable station...

but not the city destroying... it's awful